2024年2月17日 星期六

ZYNQ add SPI interface and petalinux device tree

 ZYNQ add SPI interface

  1. Open “Open Block Diagram”
  2. Add “AXI QUAD SPI” block
  3. Run “Run Conection Automation”
  4. Generate Bitstream
  5. Open “Open Implementation Design”
  6. Switch to “I/O Planning” and select “I/O Ports”

  1. Pin assign for SPI interface

  1. Generate Bitstream and export hardware

Customize SPI device tree for petalinux

After update HDF and execute command: petalinux-config –get-hw-description=<HDF Directory>

In components/plnx_workspace/device-tree/device-tree/pl.dtsi, will produce SPI device node automatically as below:

Modify project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/device-tree/files/system-user.dtsi as below

Enable SPI device driver

$ petalinux-config -c kernel

Go to Device Drivers -> SPI Support -> User mode SPI device driver support and enable it.

Use spidev_test.c to verify the SPI interface.

$ ls /dev/spi*

$ gcc spidev_test.c -o spidev_test

$ ./spidev_test -D /dev/spidev1.0



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import tkinter as tk def on_closing():     root.destroy() class MainWindow(tk.Tk):     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):         tk.Tk.__...